• How the idea of the Second Nine project was born
  • Finding the team – common professional base and values, similar attitude
  • Developing the curriculum
  • Defining the target group, defining our voice
  • Deciding the format of the podcast
  • Brand building, communication
  • Post production work
  • E-book
  • Mother Circles

I. The first six weeks and the challenges of the postpartum period

  1. We grow together into motherhood – Introducing the team of the Second Nine
  2. The needs of the newborn baby and the mother are the same – On the spiritual challenges of the postpartum period with Sára Vígi
  3. „Physical and mental regeneration very often go hand in hand” – On recovery after C-section with Verus Kiss

II. Family systems and relationship dynamics

4. The arrival of a baby moves the whole system – Family dynamics with Emőke Békés
5. „The intention is the most important thing” – On the challenges of relationships in the postpartum period with Ari Szeg
6. „Expanding the concept of sexuality” – On postpartum intimacy with Zsuzska Lancsin

III. Nurture yourself

7. “We can’t skimp on gradation”  – On regeneration after childbirth with Júlia Halmos and Orsolya Héring-Vastag 
8. Maternal nutrition is also the key to the mother’s recovery – Healing postpartum nutrition with Kicsi Vú 
9. The real adventure begins after birth – On the second nine months with Réka Gáborjáni 

IV. Sustainable motherhood

10. Natural is better, less is more – On sustainable solutions with Ari Szegi
11. Find your village! – On asking for help and communities with the Second Nine Team

V. Responsive baby care

12. „Trust is worth striving for” – On responsiveness with the Second Nine team
13. „Hearts open” – On breastfeeding, information, misconceptions, helpers with Tímea Cirok-Balassa
14. The basics of building trust between baby and parents – On physical proximity and free movement with Ági Ónodi
15. „There is no only daytime responsiveness” – On babies and parents sleep with Enikő Bartha-Szabó

VI. Motherhood as a journey to yourself

16. Making the woman in myself complete – Women’s initiation gates with Ari Szegi
17. Gastropsychology in the second nine months – On nurturing ourselves with Fruzsina Czecz
18. „You are enough!” – On making mistakes, self-criticism and self-compassion with Ági Ónodi
19. „Every great transformation is a test of self-love” – On motherhood, rites, transformation with Bea Palya

VII. Guide

20. A guide for implementing the Second Nine knowhow

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions:

Nóra Ryszka


Gyöngyvér Gulyás


The Second Nine project was founded by the Europen Union.

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